I'm so glad you found me. I look forward to sharing abundant pleasures together.
Please email me to briefly introduce yourself and await my further instruction: alexischantelle@protonmail.com
If you prefer text, you may contact me at 504-209-7007. I will not accept a phone call.
Once I receive your screening information as requested below, I offer a complimentary consultation call to discuss our desires and expectations.
All information sent to my secure, encrypted email stays there and is never stored elsewhere.
I am NDA accessible.
Choose one of the following options:
1) Provider Reference
Reference from a verifiable provider you have met within the last year. Include their email and approximate date you last met.
2) Preferred411
My P411 ID is P249441. Send me a booking request or private message here.
3) LinkedIn
If you have a LinkedIn account with over 500 contacts, you may send me a request to connect (which I will not accept) to my discreet personal LinkedIn.
4) Professional Email
A message from your professional email account sent to my discreet unlisted business email address (provided upon contact). For your privacy, I will never respond to an email from your professional account. If I am unable to verify your business email address, I may ask for alternative screening information.
5) Government ID
A photo of you holding your government issued ID next to your face. I must be able to read the information on your ID.
I am based in New York City and host in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
I frequently tour Albany, Pittsburgh, Nashville, and New Orleans. Feel free to inquire about my next visit if I do not have tour dates posted.
I lead a full life and my schedule fills up quickly. Booking in advance is in your best interest.
I am rarely available last minute, though you are welcome to ask. If your schedule is unpredictable, the best way to increase your chances of a last minute session is to prescreen with me.
Arranged Travel
For the suitor who can't wait to see me...
By Rail
Outside of scheduled tours, I am available for travel to any city within a 5 hour train ride of Manhattan. For sessions three hours or longer, I cover my own transportation costs. Add 300 for shorter sessions.
Including, but not limited to: Newark, Philadelphia, King of Prussia, Baltimore, DC, Tysons, Atlantic City, New Haven, Hartford, Burlington, Providence, Boston, Albany, Poughkeepsie
By Air
I am TSA prechecked and passport ready.
East Coast & South: 4 hour minimum + 500 (I cover my own transportation & accommodations)
West Coast: 7 hour minimum + 1000 (I cover my own transportation & accommodations)
International: 24 hour minimum + first class flight & accommodations
I frequently tour Nashville, Charlotte, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, and Albany. You are always welcome to reach out and inquire whether I tour your city.
You can find up to date information on my scheduled tours via my Tryst ad here.
I require a deposit of 500 for NYC bookings, and a 50% deposit for travel and tour bookings.
I understand life sometimes gets in the way of pleasure. If you need to cancel our date, your deposit is transferable at my discretion. I will expect to be compensated my full rate if you cancel within 24 hours. In the rare event that I need to cancel, your deposit is fully refundable.
I have up to date Covid, MPX, and flu vaccinations.
My attractions and affections take all forms and I do not discriminate based on race, national origin, religion, age (21+), gender, sexuality, weight or ability.